Why is B2B writing so bad so often?
Why does so much Business to Business (B2B) marketing feel so substandard? Or, to ask a different but related question, why do so many B2B marketers report their job as being so hard? Is B2B marketing different from any other form of marketing? People often approach it as though it lives on a planet of its own. As though the rules of marketing function in an entirely different way, and you’re no longer marketing to “normal human beings”.
At the Copycourse, we see B2B as just like any other form of marketing, only more so. You’re still selling to a human being with all their prejudices, emotional needs and foibles, as the late great Bill Bernbach would have reminded us. But yes, it is different in that the groups of people you’re selling to are often an elite global village as well as a global market. They know each other, and the products, often before the product has come out, and they have an inside track on the reasons not to buy from you. And just like any village there are a lot of unspoken elements in the space. A writer needs to understand this world before they put pen to paper.
But there are other reasons writing content for B2B can seem daunting. A business often buys as a committee: A junior or a technician researches a new product, and FD approves the cost and they sell their choice into a CEO. These four different animals that comprise the target audience can make it hard for an inexperienced writer to juggle different levels of detail.