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Write the driving test report

By Communications craft, content, Report

All you have to do is pick one of these Mr Men characters and imagine you’re going to take him on a test in one of the vehicles.

Your role is the chief driving examiner and also licensing authority for whatever vehicle they’re getting tested in. Decide what they do on their test, and report what happened, so their suitability can be assessed.

Tom picked Mr Fussy and the Ice Cream van, but you’re free to pick any combination at all. All that we ask is that you produce something clear simple and well structured. You can use the following template if it helps.


What has prompted this report?


What is the question or problem your report needs to address?


What actually did you notice on this test? (see observations)


What are the possible consequences of these observations?


When you ask why the observations occurred, what answers come to light? The result probing the root cause of something usually generates an insight.


What do you recommend the licensing authority and does or withholds from the individual?